Wednesday, May 18, 2016


“The reward for doing right is mostly an internal phenomenon: self- respect, dignity (self-worth), integrity, and self-esteem.--Laura Schlessinger

        This means that If you do what is right you will get in return joy and integrity. You will receive many more. If you decide to choose the wrong then you might get in return shame, guilt, etc. Mostly all the reward you get by doing what is right is going to be what you feel within which will be an internal phenomenon. For example, if I see that  an elderly lady dropped something valuable I would pick it up and with no thought about it I will give it to her. I would choose the right. I will feel inside happy, proud of myself, I would be full of self worth and etc. that's why if you choose the right and be a ctr person you will have joy in life. If you are a person who chooses the wrong then you will get bad things in return like guilt.

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